Recentelijk had ik het genoegen om bij Royal Kaak een tweedaagse workshop te faciliteren over “value-based selling”.
Value Selling workshop bij Royal Kaak

Strategische workshops rondom de vraag: wat moet er waar zijn om dit voor elkaar te krijgen
Recentelijk had ik het genoegen om bij Royal Kaak een tweedaagse workshop te faciliteren over “value-based selling”.
Today, all industries acknowledge the need to invest in digital technology. But digitization is not a goal in itself.
In the aftermarket, the servitization strategy will provide direction and purpose to digital transformation: a business model how to best share knowledge with customers. That is why digitization requires a new effort by tech and machining industries to servitize. An effort addressing the emerging opportunities as well as threats from Industry 4.0.
Digitization is the synthesis of the Service Paradox. It is now time for Servitization 2.0 !